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  • Begin by pming someone who seems trust worthy, and tell them your role. Unless your mafia, then talk in the scum chat (a chat for the mafia). If your cult, do the same.

    But if you are blue/green PM someone you trust and ask for their role before you give yours. I wouldn't give the mayor your role unless you PM before they are elected as Mayor.

    To be honest, if you are new, people won't really bother with you too much.

    On another note, are you watching Eurovision?
    Don't worry, it'll be fine. You'll be good at it. It's really fun, and you just don't take things too emotionally, take the game seriously, but not the feelings.
    Since when? :/

    *edit: Please check your messages for a conversation on these remarks, I do not want to publicize an argument, if you consider this to be one. :)
    How so "unpleasant"? I never mean to upset anyone. If there's something I did wrong, please inform me.
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