Misuzurin Dec 3, 2014 I ordered your event scrafty, deoxys, phione, crobat, weavile and snivy a week ago and paid a week ago. Can I be refunded the 63 bells I sent you a week ago.
I ordered your event scrafty, deoxys, phione, crobat, weavile and snivy a week ago and paid a week ago. Can I be refunded the 63 bells I sent you a week ago.
Wubibi Dec 3, 2014 Trading between XY and ORAS can be tricky, the pokemon can't know new moves or be holding items that were not in XY. I have houndoomite in Y and AS so I can trade from either.
Trading between XY and ORAS can be tricky, the pokemon can't know new moves or be holding items that were not in XY. I have houndoomite in Y and AS so I can trade from either.
Wishy_The_Star Dec 2, 2014 Heya! Made a post in your shiny pokemon thread but I am heading to bed now! If you could hold them, i can buy them tomorrow (and give you extra for holding them if needed) whenever youre available! Thanks in advanced! ♡
Heya! Made a post in your shiny pokemon thread but I am heading to bed now! If you could hold them, i can buy them tomorrow (and give you extra for holding them if needed) whenever youre available! Thanks in advanced! ♡