Hey, that's totally okay. I'll take the four blue and two orange, the orange lily and the blue violet for the lily record player. Just pm when you're onlin so I see your reply.
Ahh Now might not be the best time for me.. I'm trying to get rid of villagers and reset my town. Is it too much if I ask to trade on Thursday? Around same time as now?
Nothing. I just got it from one of my towns where I don't time travel or even trading, haha. Will you add me and open your gate if you're free now?
Hey Brooke, I think I can come up with these for you. Free. I'll VM in 8 hours and see if you're online.
balloon vanity
floppy hat
orange balloon
yellow balloon
Hello! This may be a bit sudden, but I've added your friendcode, and I was wondering if you could add me and I could visit? Sorry for the randomness, but Katie's in my town and you're the first person I found that's online...