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  • I do have someone lined up for him, but I do have another town with O'Hare that I'm (pretty sure) is wanting to move as well.

    If you still want him, I'll get back to you and you can have that one!

    The burdens of multi-town ownership, lol.
    That's perfect ! Jusa heads up, it takes a few minutes for my wifi to work ;~;
    Would you like to come first ?
    jk, they said someone else is taking the villager ^^; thanks for taking the time to clear your void <3
    you are very welcome! the void clearing may not be necessary by the way, but we'll see! someone has one of my dreamies in boxes and i'm trying to get them. if i do, i'm going to spend some time plot resetting, but you can still come to my main town at another time :D
    haha, i did that too in my main town in order to catch the tarantula and scorpion! stupid things are almost impossible to come by otherwise >=( the gates to burmecia are open!
    of course! i'll add you now :)
    by the way, when you come, don't mind the weeds... i'm intentionally growing them to help myself & others get their weeding badge, haha. but i would appreciate it if you didn't pull any since i've told someone else they can stop by at some point to weed my town. ^^
    are you free to come by now btw?
    hey! i'm online now :D just a quick question, but have you cleared your void? if not, you can still come to my cycling town, but I'll have to ask you to clear it first before you drop by my main town ^^ I hope that's ok!
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