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  • I don't think I left one :( don't worry I'm getting someone to VM you so they will give you a watering can
    I'll pay :)
    Um hi.
    Bad news!
    I just broke my leg and I'm in the hospital so I can't pick up tonight D:
    Do you think you can water aaaaaaaaall my hybrids for me? I'll even pay if necessary
    If not, could you get someone else to do it and then I'll pay you extra if they charge you for it? Thanks.
    Ok they're taking me in for X-RAYS. Gtg
    7 min maybe ?
    Also if you say yes :3 then I would like you to know my fc (2578-3632-5437) annnnnd that someone named Vonnie from ToyVille will come drop stuff off, leave and then another person (Me) will drop off my stuff (Toy from ToyVille) thanks! :3
    Hi, I know I don't know you and all. But this is an EMERGENCY!!!!!
    Could you please PLEASE please please PLEASE hold my stuff while I restart?? Please thank you!!
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