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  • I just love the fact that one kid's trying to be edgy and assuming I ship a skeleton and a robot and that I'm into the porn side of the Undertale community.

    TBT is just full of edge these days.
    1 butt monkey becomes 3
    3 butt monkies become 12
    12 butt monkies become 69
    69 butt monkies become infinite
    Take out the trash \o/

    Idk really, but christ, more people join and the worse it gets.
    ikr, why did it have to die like this

    mods do nothing and I've dropped all my spaghetti
    It is a game ye, very deep story.
    But TBT has just made dumb memes, terrible **** posts, terrible shipping and just generally being a bunch of rude butt monkeys.
    TBT has ruined Undertale for me and I am crying.
    But thank u!! I think ur pretty rad too :cool:
    The worst things on TBT.

    Korea obsessions
    People who don't know what Salty means but throw it anyway
    Atleast it wouldn't be that terrible unfun mario party rip off that some people are defending.
    Can't wait for them to announce another AC Spin off, or worse yet.
    A Splatoon version of something.

    Nude poker, do it.
    exams i am suffering

    also I cant believe ai just. relized ur avatar was the splatoon girl and not a scarf bye
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