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  • I just made one
    but guess it's just you and me now till others show up or something lol
    Same haha.
    I hadn't played in so long, so I was testing the waters with 200cc.
    I was surprised I didn't do too bad.

    it's still evening my time heh heh
    and no problemo natalie

    how have you been?
    I gotta catch you on splatoon sometime
    Sounds like a plan.

    Although hopefully it's rainmaker because there's a bunch glitchy tactics I've read about (like bouncing between a splash wall and the shield with the kraken).
    I'm visiting relatives right now and I won't be back until around 7-8CT. :L

    As far as I know the team's in squads disregard rank and just match you up with anyone, so it shouldn't be too bad.
    Well yeah. But I don't like any of the weapons that have the kraken

    besides the 96 gal deco
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