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  • Looked up what was changed with Zelda, and something did change! She got worse!
    There was a tech called Love Boosting. It got removed. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... :C
    I'm guessing that's Eastern time?
    Then I'm not completely sure but 6-9 PM eastern time would be the best I think. But I might be on around noon so I don't know really. :/
    Sorry I was talking to my dad.

    Basically what one of the problems is is that when you're in the air you don't dodge, which means people can easily hit you and get some combos in. And if you do get into a combo, if you don't dodge you'll get stuck until you get sent high enough to just drift out, but by then you'd have a lot of damage on you. Another thing is that if you use too many smash attacks you risk missing, which leaves you open for either a standard attack (pressing a basically) or another smash attack which can be more devastating, which is why I suggest using moves that don't take up too much time, or try learning some combos (e.i. the Ness one I mentioned: PK Fire traps the opponent, then a side smash launches them upwards a bit, and an up air allows you to knock them up (omg :x), allowing for more damage).

    Then again it's a possibility I have no idea what I'm talking about but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Actually, if you still have time, do you have like Skype or something so I can stop and tell you something to avoid doing? It's harder just sending it minutes after it happened, although if it's too late it's all good.
    Yeah, I'd say air dodging is a big thing you need to pick up. When ever you see someone jumping towards you just try to dodge immediately if you can't exactly time it.

    Also: don' really to munch on mash attacks, if you use them too much and keep missing then you'll be leaving your self open too often. Trying mixing in some sides and standards as well as tilts if you can get used to them
    Yay it worked!

    Okay so I think another big problem is you're not really air dodging at all which leaves you really vulnerable, so whenever you see someone about to attack you, press dodge to dodge it, which helps keep you save from combos/escaping them.
    I probably won't be back on for another 45 minutes, so we can do it tomorrow instead.
    Sorry I was trying to Bob-omb :L

    Okay so big thing with the recovery: don't try aiming side ways because it's easier to get a bad angle and fall, instead aim from under so you can get good distance, don't be scared if it takes awhile to turn the ball, it's better to do that than likely not get any height.
    I'll try to teach you any tips I found, but like I don't really know either. Maybe more combos like PK Fire then side smash then up air or something (I have no idea what the actual terminology is)
    Okay I'm gonna keep using Ness because that's the closest to Lucas which Puffle will probably use, but I'd say to not be afraid to jump in and try comboing them, and also remember to time an attack so that it can hit before you go out of range (and also bats apparently have reflective properties).
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