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  • get in there gurl

    i'm sure you will do fine
    plus i gotta jam out in a few and i would really like it if the bracket was full by the time I have to leave :')
    I went on hiatus for like two months. Twinsies! Can I talk to you over PM about something that happened?

    I was just looking through our old visitor messages, ah, back when the illuminatty was a lunatic and we discussed pizza mafia and my snark replies

    Those weye the good ol days
    I'm awesome, how about you?
    it's been a super-duper long time. I haven't rly talked with Capella that much either. warthappened to he 2flycrew!!!

    Edit: wtf is a wart happened
    awww okay bb

    well if you want, feel free to just make a donation to the pot bc it's looking pretty skimpy right now lol
    are you taking applications into the illuminati?

    BTW you remember my old username?
    they just might be
    last one filled up kind of quick haha

    just signup and i will practice with you later tonight if you can c:
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