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  • I'd sob for ages if I lost my older brother, he's like my rolemodel and got me into art related junk, even though I hate the stuff I do!

    Sorry for ur sis tho ;n;
    Well, life's being a drag, dunno if I told you my mom died october last year but shet's happening.

    tfw my Dad wants me to find a girlfriend fml
    We all missed you dearly, I thought spamming you with a rose would let you know I missed you the "most"

    How's ur dong?!
    You're gonna be the big 1-8!
    Does this mean you can finally download a messaging app to talk to me since you're only gonna be here for a bit? lol :B
    It was pretty cold over here yesterday I liked it haha nothing like over there weather but it was chill.

    Also, I'm very glad to hear your sister is okay!
    I don't know her, but I was worried!!
    I was just thinking about you what the hell hahaha this is awesome
    but heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!
    I've missed you Natalie.

    I've been doing great.
    Just started school last week.
    How about you?
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