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  • Its become more hassle than it's worth, because of reasons I'll end up being aggressive due to personal feelings and Id rather not make myself look worse

    Hyrule Warriors, eh? My brother wants to get a Wii U because of it.
    Smash Brothers... I never really liked it, but I got to be really good at it, surprisingly.
    In Colorado (where I used to live), I used to enter tournaments hosted by the school. I would win those easily, sometimes entering the high school ones...
    And yes, before you ask, my 6th grade school did offer video game tournaments. They usually had a $10 prize, and that would be my main source of income when it wasn't my b-day or Christmas.

    Anyways, I missed you, hope that I can talk longer tomorrow!

    She's still active, I was just having a VM conversation with her today.

    I wish I did, but no, I do not.
    Oh okay.

    Not quite that long.

    I'm doing fine, actually, I've started a Pokémon run of Sapphire on The Blog Tree for nostalgia, for one.
    Two, Sparkanine has actually turned out to be totally amazing at being totally amazing, but not as totally amazing as you, don't worry.
    Three, you're, like, playing the Pokémon Mafia.
    Four, I found out where Lynnie lives through trick-or-treating, which was kind of my then life goal.
    And finally, you can have my FC if ya want.
    I do tooooooooooooooooo
    I typed in "I" and my little AutoCorrect right above the keyboard suggests that.
    How funny.

    Anyways, how are you? I haven't talked to you in a month...
    I'm not going to respond until tomorrow morning lol
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