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  • a cool beans though. : DDDD

    also hope we can play this week mang, and i totally need to do a hand ghost for the woods thing dang busy weekend
    And yeah I've watched that Big bang in Pyongyang with Dennis Rodman, lmao. Kinda entertaining for being about that lol
    And yeah I've seen like some about Kim Jong-Un that was pretty.. uh polished and obviously western-made just showing him randomly lol
    No idea about that, sounds cool as long as it was not like one of a million western stuff they flood us with randomly lol..

    Yeah mine was good though ^^

    (also someone fire whoever made that freaking puzzle league thing in new leaf)
    Country of Orchards (Don't except to google it and find stuff, the Swedish Film Institute got a copy as a gift back in 1972 from when it's from and there is like not a hint on the title googles lol).

    Basically a documentary propaganda about fruit plantation/orchards and Kim Il-Sung giving some glorious advice so everything goes great :p I liked it though it was pretty bizarre, especially this DPRK lady narrating with very British English, US English is forbidden.... (yes).

    And yeah same like bruh if you can't show genuine interest in me and only small talk, **** off.
    anyways need to go there since it takes like half a day lmango see you next week or idk if you can be on tonite
    yeahh bruh xD glad people like it, i lit never carved one in life so yeah xD

    mhm me too like bruh can you leave me alone i don't like being social with you(family) anyways.. :/ my lil cousin actually had some party today but i'm going to this special screening of a north korean movie so xD
    and yeah it was a small pumpkin sort but they are exactly like the larger ones so yeah it could be used ^^ i mean i don't wanna spend like $10 on that alone lol
    oh god i hate those and that you have to go unless you have something legit booked weeks in advance like bruh leave me alone :(

    and nice we def gotta play or at least talk on discord mang
    uni-wow xD and thanks, have a few amiibo ordered so hopefully i can boot some more out next week!

    i got one for like $2 bc they apparently sell smol pumpkins here :( that sucks, you don't have like a better market or supermarket around? :(
    Also yeah I specified my address to how it should be written since the US forms are quite different from ours, so I think that helped with sorting the mail and sending it etc.

    (I think Jer told us we could/should do that if there is a specific way we have our addresses written).
    OMG I got my prize pack just now! That was fast, although I googled around and they said letters can take 4-6 days.. haha guess they were right ^_^
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