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  • 1st of all awwweboo is a SLUR and u shldnt b isng it ALSO SWNE I BAD..3 yr aolss like u shpulndt b usng that LANGAUG..LOL ur 3 u cant even understand RFLOF btw klk iz on netflax u fukinh LOSER ill destroy u im a titan (mako x ryuko btw) SO *** OFF U ANIMU WEEBOOB O NO I USED A SLUR Btw my hair re d piec e is kewler than ur RAKOON skarf so chek urself b4 u rek urself rolflmao
    i dont think u know what the word annoying means little girl!!!!!! and that movie had only 5 sTARS, not that good in my book :/ and star warz is cool unlikes you who is uncool lol
    ALSO ur avtar is trashy ROLF! wat iz it a raokoon lmadgp do u even ALSO THT IS V TRIGERDOJN..dnt tklk abr fergason or u will end up in jali ike magoe..and gonna report u fr harasmet nd pt i behand bars like oth2 oarer dating xSEPERPENGUIN SO STFU b 4 i send my syber army animu grils r suppsed to b ein wwatr so mahe wont b areted by syber kops..ur rakoon iz in a SCARF ND RAKOONS DNT WEAR CLOTHES XXXXDDDDDD now bye rolflmafo b4 i send my cult after u (420 injekt dat weed banana)
    im a cop nd i inspketed md u are under arrest btch. i herd my associate BRATTY tld me u r violating the kode of konduckt...i know u like to injekt dat wine cider but mahoe is teling u two stop rogit now or u sufr bad deadly death rlly badly. also i hv to arezzt u bc u are lameio lolololrk XD but yah u ns 3 stop injrktding that wine cider rht now by the order of bratty >=/
    and i cannet be arested becauese my moms a kop and yea...... :/ and shrek is my uncel u knwe that righr t ? like dinseour arente even kool youere a loszer go bac to kindegerden pleaseand learn t o spe ll properleyyy
    becasues you donete lookse smarte at al l
    omg you use auto correct, you donte mak sence at all what are you 3 oh wait youer 6 loser, why donte you try learneng from the big kids like me, im 8 and im an adult im goinge to greduat high schaol and collage soon so i am youere aadulet frenad :/ but i donet want you hangeng oute with me. my mom woulde not want me to hang out with a babeey she says, and my dad doesente car ok so we mighet heng out i donet know do you smoke apple juicee?
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