in-a-pickle Aug 22, 2014 chicken nuggets are good, but dont fill up on that stanky stash. I will STALK you and watch it thru the window. jk im not a creeper. I can't get on IRC, gotta read sadly.
chicken nuggets are good, but dont fill up on that stanky stash. I will STALK you and watch it thru the window. jk im not a creeper. I can't get on IRC, gotta read sadly.
in-a-pickle Aug 22, 2014 ew micky d's is grody don't do it, you'll die. DOn't u dare buy it on DVD. Cause then you'lll watch it at home you weirdo, for like ever.
ew micky d's is grody don't do it, you'll die. DOn't u dare buy it on DVD. Cause then you'lll watch it at home you weirdo, for like ever.
in-a-pickle Aug 22, 2014 lol u cray gurl. I can barely see any movie twice, you got some strong feels doncha.
Zulehan Aug 22, 2014 I have seen a few members get a chocolate cake collectible after only a few days of persistence. Wish you well in getting one. Just be sure to bump every now and then.
I have seen a few members get a chocolate cake collectible after only a few days of persistence. Wish you well in getting one. Just be sure to bump every now and then.
in-a-pickle Aug 21, 2014 NO no no ur breaking my heart!!! why shiny, shiny is gross and smells like bread. I am fresh. Don't do this! Awww, I really wanted you to play, will you ever be un-banned?
NO no no ur breaking my heart!!! why shiny, shiny is gross and smells like bread. I am fresh. Don't do this! Awww, I really wanted you to play, will you ever be un-banned?
in-a-pickle Aug 21, 2014 omg are fudging with me you crazy hagwoman don;t do that, shrek yourself before you wreck yourself, shiny is trouble.
omg are fudging with me you crazy hagwoman don;t do that, shrek yourself before you wreck yourself, shiny is trouble.