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  • it was alright! i've been playing new leaf and posting on tbt all day. now i'm on irc with the usual people & mumble with two random guys who i'm not sure are even apart of the forums. fun.

    and yours??
    You're fine ahaha xD I'm not a Mod, so it's not a big deal to me. Just trying to save you from getting an unneeded warning x3

    Also, the image in your signature is broken. Try using :D
    oh i'll be fine, I'll get the real resetting experience lol
    and hopefully marshal will move back in, I sold him &
    got 14 of that 18 mil
    crappy ugh I just remembered I forgot to transfer my bells
    when I reset 18 mil gone holy poop I need sleep
    Ello :3 , guess wat happened my game got corrupted for da first time :'( I'm soo angry right now worked soo hard for da town urgghhhh
    Pfff, having lots of posts doesn't mean you don't get out enough. I have over 5000 posts, and I go out quite a lot haha. xD I'm sure you're fine.
    Hey! I'm about to eat some lunch in a minute. I checked Netflix, and The Hunger Games isn't on there anymore. </3 Oh well..

    You? c:
    It's alright ~^^ I get frustrated all the time in Auctions :) Another Whitney will pop up tomorrow. (They always do ;D)
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