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  • Nope. I gave up on Cookie a while back ^^ Kyle is my last villager that I need, and he moved in today :) All that's left is to finish Landscaping ^^
    Aw, Blue Bear. I worked so hard holding her and getting friends to hold her for me and I ended up accidentally voiding her. I'mma hold on to Muffy a bit longer and see what happens. :/ I have too many towns and it's overwhelming now so I trying to move my favorites into my main since I've had them for ages.
    My baby's asking me to leave right now. I love her to death, but I'm honestly considering letting her go because as much as I love her, she doesn't seem to want to give me PWPs and I've had her for so long. I'm trying to mix up my main and I was thinking letting her and Fuchsia go and trying to find Agnes (sobbing) again.
    Aw, thank you! I got my hands on her as well while I was cycling. :) I think I'm all set villager-wise. You're too sweet for always helping me like this. <3
    I did! I got her from the thread you linked me. :) I had been lurking for her on that thread for a bit but was getting ready to log off, but if it wasn't for your VM, I wouldn't have noticed her in boxes. <3
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