Adventure9 May 13, 2014 Hi! Did you want to bid on the whirlpool bath or buyout? Sorry for the confusion, I'm not sure what you meant...
Hi! Did you want to bid on the whirlpool bath or buyout? Sorry for the confusion, I'm not sure what you meant...
marzipanmermaid May 13, 2014 Bluebear pinged. I think she's gonna go with a friend on FB. You're already doing far too much for me. <3
Bluebear pinged. I think she's gonna go with a friend on FB. You're already doing far too much for me. <3
Blondiexo May 13, 2014 It's okay! And yessss I need Ankha still! She's my #1 and had been the hardest to find! (Even harder than Merengue! Haha) :3
It's okay! And yessss I need Ankha still! She's my #1 and had been the hardest to find! (Even harder than Merengue! Haha) :3
K K kamitsuki13 May 12, 2014 Hmm weird, my profile name is 3ds name is Kira and fc is 0490-5185-5409. Do you have me? : o
K K kamitsuki13 May 12, 2014 Uhm I'm new here so idk how it works lol where can I find your fc? Sorry ^^'
RoyalVixen May 12, 2014 ah alright then i shall go there instead and no its fine i just wanna pull weeds