Aradai Sep 20, 2014 this is the result of showing kids the internet theres a video of him showing his "sonic ocs".
VillageDweller Sep 20, 2014 do u ever feel.. like a plastic bag... bc that's all u r. an item everyone hates purely to carry shopping from one place to another. lol rekt tbh
do u ever feel.. like a plastic bag... bc that's all u r. an item everyone hates purely to carry shopping from one place to another. lol rekt tbh
Aradai Sep 19, 2014 cap i don't think I can do this anymore because if i keep panicing and quitting im just ruining the game for everyone :/
cap i don't think I can do this anymore because if i keep panicing and quitting im just ruining the game for everyone :/
Aradai Sep 19, 2014 idek how to play that tbh you just vote with no reason? i thought that was bashed