Ah, I guess I should have added I don't have her card, I meant If I move in 16 other villagers from cards and move them all out by replacing them with another card amiibo, will that work?
Oh, yeah, after I asked if you if you bought anything, I saw the cake, candy and pear. That is really cool! I like that feature.
Sure, I'll take a cake. Did you want some BTB for it? I have plenty.
ooh actually it won't ;;;
i'll just open for everyone then, and keep a casual eye on the game
also ahhh sorry if it's a lot of hassle, but i only have 9 villagers in town rn- are your voids clear? i guess its fine if they aren't but i'll have to do some preventative plot resetting tomorrow if you do have villagers in there haha
no worries! i'll open for best friends only rn and you can come and go as you please whenever you see this message! there's a couple random things by the train station, but you can use the town tree plaza to leave your stuff if you want (just follow the path to the right)
just vm when you're all done so i know to close gates