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  • I was away from my laptop earlier to read everything haha but yeah, like you said, it happens. Thank you and enjoy your dinner :)
    hi! I'm going to work on your signature and for the shape you wrote:
    Similar to the "Mayor Brina of Magnolia"
    except I've done several ones for her, can you specify which one it is you liked? :)
    I'm really, really sorry. I keep being called back to work and the amount of free time I have is extremely limited. I'm sorry for everything, but could we please cancel our trade? Again, I'm extremely sorry. I'll tip you if you want me to.
    Oh, yes. It's 10am over here. I'll collect your items and I'll tell you when I'm available! C:
    Hi, it looks like I missed you. Let's try tomorrow at the same time. Thanks so much.
    Hi! Recently, I've been very, very busy with work. Things have been going on and I'm lacking with time for trading. The best days for me would be Fri, Sat or Sun. On those days, im available from 12pm-9pm AEST time. If you're in a different time zone, you should check the differences between our zones and then we could sort out a time. I thank you very, very much for coping with me. Thanks so much again.
    Yay! That's so amazing I'm so glad you were able to adopt her :) it's ok you really don't have to send me any tbt c:
    Thank you for your concern although I have to disagree with one part after I posted those messages my TBT would go up by one, but yes I will stop now
    Oh no, no need to tip me! I don't mind at all that you went to sleep. Well, I go to work on weekdays at 8am-4pm AEST, so could we trade around 4pm and after?
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