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  • Aww it's okay. idk why it wouldn't show for you :(
    i will most likely do this again tomorrow since i have lots of rv cards + figures I can restock all the time
    Yes I did close it cause the other girl was waiting for around 5 mins so i just let her go :c

    in my next group a user sugi is supposed to be in but she never prooved she read the rules so you can come in place of her.
    Omg I had trouble logging back in until now! Let me know you're free again so I can drop something off for you ;_;
    You're very welcome! Sorry if I was slow at first - I got confused because I think I know another mayor with your name c:
    Hi, I was having dinner with my family but I'm back now. Let me know when you're ready and I'll open my gates so you can get the zen mailbox
    I don't think my wifi is working properly (ugh.) I'm at a friends house right now but as soon as I get home I'll let you know right away when I can come over. I'm deeply sorry, this shouldn't be happening.
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