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  • Hello! I had to complete a trade really quick but I'm going to be opening my gate in just a minute. Just to let you know there may be another person coming to sell their turnips. Thanks!
    You're never a bother. You can absolutely come trade your turnips but I'm hopping off right now for dinner. I'll be on later tonight though. I'll VM you when I'm back on. Thanks!
    OH WHOOPS! Sorry just saw your message now.
    I’m still keen for it if you still need those visits, just let me know :D
    Hey, I know you're probably swamped right now with the turnip thing. If there's a chance I could pop round I'd really appreciate it
    I could come over but it would be in about 20 minutes or so if you'll still be online then!
    I have someone picking up items from me right now, but I'll add your FC in a few minutes and be right over!
    i have your items ready to drop off! you can open your gates whenever youre ready.
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