KantoKraze Jul 5, 2017 Hi, Cass. Can you email me your mayor ref, because imgur is not working. My email is kantokraze@gmail.com
Hi, Cass. Can you email me your mayor ref, because imgur is not working. My email is kantokraze@gmail.com
KantoKraze Jul 5, 2017 Hi, Cass. Can you email me your mayor ref, because imgur is not working. My email is kantokraze@gmail.com
Hi, Cass. Can you email me your mayor ref, because imgur is not working. My email is kantokraze@gmail.com
nerdmayor Jul 4, 2017 Sounds good. I should be free pretty much all day tomorrow. I'll be keeping my eye out, just message me when you're available!
Sounds good. I should be free pretty much all day tomorrow. I'll be keeping my eye out, just message me when you're available!
Hyoon Jul 4, 2017 hey! i no longer need the zen tea set cause joan's rv is in town. but i'll still buy the rest ^^
MayorKat54231 Jul 4, 2017 Hi im ready to trade if you are,ive added you and i will send the bells after you come
nerdmayor Jul 3, 2017 OH MY GOSH, I never saw that you posted on my vms. I was waiting to hear back from you!! Are you available to trade tonight?
OH MY GOSH, I never saw that you posted on my vms. I was waiting to hear back from you!! Are you available to trade tonight?
freshmanmayor Jul 3, 2017 Hi! I'm so sorry, but there's a few items that I don't need anymore like the kitchen sink, coat hanger, cream sofa, refrigerator, and regal lamp. Is it okay if I take them off my order? If not, I'll just buy all of them.
Hi! I'm so sorry, but there's a few items that I don't need anymore like the kitchen sink, coat hanger, cream sofa, refrigerator, and regal lamp. Is it okay if I take them off my order? If not, I'll just buy all of them.
Hyoon Jul 3, 2017 Oh that's no problem. I don't mind getting my order on the 5th ^^ Let me know when youmre back