dizzy bone Jul 7, 2017 Ok, that's fine :> i am going to work soon so I can only trade after at night. Not sure what your time zone is, but I'll be available around 9pm (+8 UTC)
Ok, that's fine :> i am going to work soon so I can only trade after at night. Not sure what your time zone is, but I'll be available around 9pm (+8 UTC)
K K kiwikenobi Jul 7, 2017 D'oh! I didn't see that little X until now. Sorry. Feel free to trash that stuff if you don't need it.
D'oh! I didn't see that little X until now. Sorry. Feel free to trash that stuff if you don't need it.
Berry <3 Jul 6, 2017 you're missing one more spell before the the free entry is unlocked! read carefully~
Lightspring Jul 6, 2017 Oh, I'm very sorry about that! I would still like Skye's pic though! Give me about 10 minutes? I'm in the middle of a trade with someone.
Oh, I'm very sorry about that! I would still like Skye's pic though! Give me about 10 minutes? I'm in the middle of a trade with someone.