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  • hey I'm ready! let me know if you opened your gates! I'll send the tbt now
    I'm not able to pick her up until way late tonight, as I got called into work! I should be on at 1030 central time, thank you!
    hi! i'm available right now! will add your FC :)

    i've been having some trouble with my internet connection...is it ok if i send you the 20 TBT for hopkins after i've talked to him? i may not be able to connect at speeds like this :(
    oh gosh it seems our timezones don't match up...but i'll be online again later today at around the same time i was yesterday. hope to catch you then! thanks so much for being patient <3
    Alright! Also ignore my character, I recently got another cartridge, so my clothes and hair are really boring
    I'm available now! I lost my charger (of course it had to be the day I traded), but I just found it and I can hop onto ac
    Hi! Is it fine if I get him later today? I can vm you when I log on :)
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