Mints Jun 30, 2016 Hi! I was wondering if you are available? If you want I can pick up the flowers, since I did order a whole bunch!
Hi! I was wondering if you are available? If you want I can pick up the flowers, since I did order a whole bunch!
anp11803 Jun 30, 2016 Actually I am ready now if u are for the 22 flowers(12 pink and 10 orange) I believe it is 660k...
Monsoon Jun 30, 2016 Happen to have any time now for me to come pick up the flowers? right now I have some time hopefully you do too?
Happen to have any time now for me to come pick up the flowers? right now I have some time hopefully you do too?
Monsoon Jun 30, 2016 Well, let me know when you are ready, i'm going to get off for a short bit so I don't mind waiting.
Monsoon Jun 30, 2016 That's awesome news thank you, just let me know when you are ready or maybe we will hopefully find a time today that we are both online and will work for us.
That's awesome news thank you, just let me know when you are ready or maybe we will hopefully find a time today that we are both online and will work for us.