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  • Btw I miss counted
    It's actually 18 perfect basket of pears
    2 lucky clovers
    1 ore

    The other are correct
    2 fossil and 4 sapling
    Sure an hour it's ok to wait :)
    And thanks I want to keep it like that my line
    Until I feel like changing to get birthstones
    Hey Candice are you online now?
    I need someone to hold me a few stuff
    Of my cyld town sunshine that it's gonna get erase so I can start making purely
    And don't worry it's not much
    Just some few basket of perfect pears so I can sell over there (like 12-14)
    4 saplings
    2 fossil and 2 ore and 1 clover
    And 4,000 bells
    Yup :) because believe it or not
    Purple and green are my favorite

    But I love black and white because of zebras but do prefer purple and green as color
    Good luck with that
    I'm not gonna dare on that one
    It's to much the pressure with fruits imagine with cake jajaja
    Yay my beautiful fruit line :)
    Now no more spending tbt for a while
    Jajaja (probably try for purple mailbox but if not I really don't care)
    Omg Candice your the best :) should I send the tbt now
    Or wait until the lag calm down a bit (I'm still having lag)
    Well for my time it's gonna be 11pm when it happens
    Il be fully awake because from 6-10 I'm very tired but at 11 I just get awoken and do they sleepy until my body feel like to
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