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  • Aw, I guess I missed Punchy... ; - ; sorry I wasn't around yesterday. Thank you anyway.. TT______TT
    I have it ready for you but Im just in work, so Ill be available later on. Ill message you as soon as Im back :)
    All right. My FC is 0404-7756-5676 (secondary FC).
    I'll be Nyx from Scipio. See you soon. :)
    Thank you. Well nobody knows, it would be so simple if they would all leave in the same order they moved. :)
    I do still want Gala but I'm not going to be able to get her until a couple of hours from now. If you can't wait, I totally understand. Just let me know :]
    I'm back :). I was lurking for Renee on another thread and she never went in boxes then the person closed the thread, I'm waiting for her for more than 2 weeks now lol. I wish I won't miss her this time.
    Hi! I will be offline for more or less 3 hours, and I really fear missing Renee (must be her turn soon?) Would you consider waiting for me to come back (in case she's in boxes while I'm away) if I'm paying you in advance? Thanks. (damn I missed you, ah well I have to go..)
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