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  • I am, yes:) .. I can't take her in yet as I'm plot resetting Joey, need to find Celia first, and need to kick Peanut and Ricky out to finish my cycle
    Hey Hazu, what do you use to pick winner's in a raffle. About to hold one myself and I can't find anything >_<
    My gate is open! Look for Javachip. uwu Sorry about the lack of space, I'll lead you to some empty grass to plant the flowers, haha
    ;-;!! Oh my gosh, that is so nice of you! Thank you very much. Just let me finish this one trade here, and I will add you right away. <3
    Hello Hazu! I am so sorry to reply so late, but might you still have the 16 pink lilies? =3 I would like to buy them if it's ok. What would wou like in return?
    No Bangle yet.. But she's less important atm.. I need to get Celia and Joey to avoid getting any extra randomers.. Once I have them in, I'll be at 9 and safe from randomers provided I don't leave my town and keep my gate shut, haha
    Aw :p .. Thanks anyway ;D .. I've just found both Celia and Joey in one town xD .. Hopefully I can nab them both :D
    I'd love to have you join! .. But it's not only me, so I gotta consult my mini team, hehe.. She'll be fine I'm sure, but gotta make sure :D

    I'll let you know!
    Did you close your thread or something? :eek:

    I'd have to consult Ellie, I'm sure she'd be fine, but when she comes online, I'll ask her right away :)
    Nothing much, you? I see you're still cycling, wow you've been cycling for a long time now!
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