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  • yup, i started it once again :c I'll let you know if i need something :3 can we back to bff again in game
    Omg really? :-O thats poop! Have you re started again? Need any help? I never tried to check mines as Inwas too afraid to lose my town by accident.. :( PM me if you need anything I will help you ^_^
    Yes ofcourse! You're a friend hehe. My gates open now if u wanna come down before i head to sleep?
    Pssst!! I have sheik amiibo ! I'll give you them for free! So far i only got the mask and top but will get u the bottom tomorrow
    Hey Cas I got this great idea for a lottery
    IL call it "fish lottery"

    Every Sunday it's a new fish and every Saturday IL tell the winner if there it's one
    Prize will be always 1 million or 2 million not sure
    But if there no winner the number goes up
    And what do the people have to do

    Get the same fish and the same size it has as me~
    And if there multiple the first person get it

    Though IL will only announced it on Saturday to be picked on Saturday
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