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  • Hi there! I’ll be available all day today. Do you wanna set up a specific time so that we don’t have to keep checking our messages? I suck at remembering!
    Hi Cascade! Thank you so much for being patient with me ;v; is it alright if I ask to come for Merengue today? ;v;
    Hehe. I had the plot for Sheps house laid out already, didn't need to SR at all and for Deirdre I just had to tt to when another villager moved out ºωº I'll come over now.
    Thank you! I hate the time I read messages OTL If I have any free time tomorrow, I'll contact you around 5 or 6 PM EST to come for Leopold, if that's fine with you ;v; (or we could do it now if you're ready)
    Tysm for Sylvana! Once I get a couple more free spaces in town I'll send ya a pm ºωº

    Oh, and have a wonderful day!
    I've been available all day lol. I've added your FC, just tell me when you're ready and I'll head to your town to pick up Merengue. :)
    I'm so glad to hear that! I'm okay. My husband lost his job a couple of week's ago so we're dealing with that but otherwise I'm okay. Oh, no! I bet you miss your main town. I hope you can get your cartridge back soon.
    Hi again, wanted to let you know that I won't be getting Bluebear anymore. I've sent the 10 TBT anyway for all the inconvenience I've caused haha
    Thank you for the suggestion! I finally got someone to move out ;v; Could I come for Merengue today, if that's fine with you? ;v;
    Ahh just realised that I have no spaces atm. Do you mind waiting for a few mins and I’ll move someone out ASAP? Really sorry for the inconvenience I’ll send you some extra TBT
    Hello! It's so nice to hear from you! It has been a while. I'm sorry about that. How are you? I hope you're well. :D
    I'm not sure... I had 9 villagers before someone randomly put their house down so I'm not sure how to kick anyone out now... any tips? ;v; you can do other peoples adoption requests for now. Sorry ;v; Please just give me some tips for how to kick the people out. Thanks!
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