AkatsukiYoshi Aug 9, 2016 GG. I don't battle much so I thought I was only allowed to bring 3 pokemon with me. lol
A A Aquari Aug 9, 2016 i didnt buy it to sell it, i just liked it, i'll be trying my best to get mor tickets and if im EXTREMELY lucky, the moon wand
i didnt buy it to sell it, i just liked it, i'll be trying my best to get mor tickets and if im EXTREMELY lucky, the moon wand
NikkiKaji Aug 8, 2016 Sure! But I won't be able to battle until 6:00 EST if that's okay. On weekends I'm available a bit later.
Sure! But I won't be able to battle until 6:00 EST if that's okay. On weekends I'm available a bit later.
AkatsukiYoshi Aug 8, 2016 Actually, it looks like the tournament itself doesn't start until tomorrow. In that case, can you play tomorrow at 1pm Eastern?
Actually, it looks like the tournament itself doesn't start until tomorrow. In that case, can you play tomorrow at 1pm Eastern?
K K KidKat Aug 8, 2016 Ah okay i wasnt expecting that, when i saw your thread was closed i didn't think you'd be doing any more orders. Are you available for trade now? I'd prefer to pick up if possible since there isn't much space around my train stations
Ah okay i wasnt expecting that, when i saw your thread was closed i didn't think you'd be doing any more orders. Are you available for trade now? I'd prefer to pick up if possible since there isn't much space around my train stations