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  • aw how very nice of you! I'd really appreciate that ( ´ ▽ ` ) ^^ and I need around 8 starts :) how much are you selling them for? :3
    actualllllly..... do you still have holly starts? ^^ sorry I keep changing my mind; I'm on a budget (´∀`)
    Hi! I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply, could you let me know when you're online to trade?
    Thanks! Enjoy Nidoking! If you need anything else, feel free to PM/VM or dropby my shop again! :)
    Are you online now? If not i'll be able to trade with you, the following day. I can't seem to catch you online. x_x
    hii c: I noticed on your cycle thread you had Lobo and Lolly a couple days ago, I'm assuming Lobo was voided and there was someone who wanted Lolly but they never replied, did you end up voiding her?
    Thanks in advance ♥
    Oh you want to keep pompom, okay!

    I really wish I went online sooner but I was panicking cuz I couldn't find my ds and had a difficult time
    Hello! I am sorry for not getting to you earlier. If you voided Pom Pom, it is my loss!

    I'm not sure if you still have Pom Pom but if you do I am willing to pay tbt so that you can hold her for me until Saturday morning.

    I couldn't find my dS anywhere but got a message from my friend that my dS is at her place :( I won't be able to go get it until Friday . But just to be safe I wanna pick her up by Saturday morning. I am pacific standard time!
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