Emolga59 Nov 11, 2019 https://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?473345-Looking-For-Eevee-Egg-Sakura-Egg-And-More!-And-Selling-Stuff-(Updated!) Added some more cheap collectibles if you're interested in buying.
https://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?473345-Looking-For-Eevee-Egg-Sakura-Egg-And-More!-And-Selling-Stuff-(Updated!) Added some more cheap collectibles if you're interested in buying.
toadsworthy Nov 9, 2019 The theme of the day is now "weird" so its fine but its also not weird at all... so thanks!
Sgt.Groove Nov 6, 2019 Oh yeah, my 100+ winter mittens... they all have puns on them (the ones displayed) I have allot more not displayed :3
Oh yeah, my 100+ winter mittens... they all have puns on them (the ones displayed) I have allot more not displayed :3
MrMister5555 Nov 6, 2019 :O Oh really? Thank you! I don't really have any tbt or stuff to trade yet, but I'll get there. :3
MrMister5555 Nov 6, 2019 Thanks! Purple is my favorite color so in the future I'll be on the look out for more cool purple things.
Thanks! Purple is my favorite color so in the future I'll be on the look out for more cool purple things.
MrMister5555 Nov 4, 2019 Ohhhh, Yeah I was a little late for that, but I'm glad to someone who wants it. I hope the collecting goes well!
Ohhhh, Yeah I was a little late for that, but I'm glad to someone who wants it. I hope the collecting goes well!
MrMister5555 Nov 4, 2019 ^.^ I hope you wouldn't mind if I added you as a friend. Feel free to chat anytime!
MrMister5555 Nov 3, 2019 Just wanted to say hi again from my welcome post. I really like your profile picture, it's adorable. Also how you use :] for smiles.
Just wanted to say hi again from my welcome post. I really like your profile picture, it's adorable. Also how you use :] for smiles.
Laconic Nov 3, 2019 what happened an hour ago?? I haven't had time to be that active on the forums in like a week
Emolga59 Nov 2, 2019 Ya, you probably should either host a giveaway, give it to the first person who asked or make an auction (before you create the auction if you are tell me and so I can cancel all my plans and buy a lot of popcorn to get ready to watch.)
Ya, you probably should either host a giveaway, give it to the first person who asked or make an auction (before you create the auction if you are tell me and so I can cancel all my plans and buy a lot of popcorn to get ready to watch.)