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  • Hi again! I should be available for a few hours now, and I might be available around 8:30 PM EST, but most likely not. I've been pretty busy these last few days so I'm all :U
    I have 2 mil bells ready for you in my town, only 600k left. But normally people just pick the bells up and deposit them using the bellpoint.
    Oh did I actually forget that? Sorry, also didn't you say that you wanted IGB? I'm kind of short on TBT now so...
    Hi! Would it be ok if we traded tomorrow? Something came up that I didn't know about. Sorry!
    It was past midnight for me when you messaged me :( I'm not really sure if this is going to work out
    No worries about not seeing the post! If we could trade in my
    town tomorrow at around 4PM EST that would be great!
    Haha, thank you very much! I probably could've sent more though, now that I've checked my bell balance...
    That's fine! I won't be available to collect them until tomorrow though, is that okay? c:
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