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  • Thanks lol, I really hadn't intended to buy them in such a perfect order xD
    And absolutely, Chibi; hope you and all the winners get some noteworthy collectibles ; )
    Ooooo good luck, I would have attempted the afterstock or leftovers from winners, but ended up getting some unlimited items and OMG because they match my candies xD
    Your art (and chibi pixels owo) are always really amazing ^^
    You earned it, haha
    You're absolutely welcome, haha I bet you are 8D Hope you get something lovely if you plan to do the exclusive winners restock<3
    Arghh I need TBT for a pixel from Shoele! I only have 98 and I need 250!
    That slot is gonna get filled before I can save up that TBT lol
    Ayyyy lmao your username is in purple!! XD
    Oh and congratulations on placing first in the Art Contest!!! <3
    (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! ヽ(´ω`○)ノ.+゚*。:゚+
    That, is super awesome!! you did it!!~~yaaaaaay~~~and purple username too~~~
    HUZZAH, grats Chibi on your magnificent fair win : D I absolutely loved your pic, augh so cute<3 Totes deserving ;D
    You can just make it up with a Red Pinwheel for ya boy ;D

    jk to the max
    But congrats again, I'm so proud.
    Congrats for 1st place on the TBT Fair Art Contest, Chibi! :D I knew you would win!
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