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  • Love your new avatar and signature(s?), just like the old ones!

    Did you draw the render itself or find it online?
    i feel so baaddd

    By any chance, do you still have the avatar you made me? <~> Me, being my dumb self, didn't save it and cleared out my PMs.

    Sorry if I sound really rude, it's just that I forget things alot.
    Yep! When I snagged mine there were only two left ... heh heh ... now I am busted down to one ticket! I need to win me some more!!
    The thing here was that I am Californian-born, which is a Pacific state. I may have repeatedly said that I live in Texas, but I am born in southern California. And since three of you all live close to the same ocean (the ones I kept bringing up oceans to), I had to bring up the local body of water to my birth state, California. That, and I just published a blog entry about the Earth.
    What? You want all that stuff? On the ground? OH NOOOOO! Okay so now I knew you are the one of ppl who cannot clean their rooms. Let me go over there and check your room in your real home! xD
    Sorry I was dragged out by my boss. xD
    Btw I felt sad seeing your stuff and flowers, just collecting dust as same as mine. And I have an idea if you can get on~
    Come on~, you know how they do. I know your private settings wouldn't let people see this, so I'm gonna be honest. Most of them are duping or using power save. My stupid ex was helping the person who provides people rare stuff endlessly in crazy price was that. It just lets people get bored of ac faster. But they don't think in that way. :(
    And...what?. I seriously don't have much time for trade. Guess where I am, I am on DUTY! xD If we could, that'd make my day. Amazingly lovely if we could. <3
    As much as I can have, in DECENT rate. I mean I'm getting sick of rate of selling/buying threads these days. That's nuts. 1 mil for one bush starts, or on the other hand someone sells past unorderable exclusive DLCs in stupid price, such as 15 items for 3 mil. I'm sad because I love DECENT trade, baby.
    Would it be okay to cancel our trade? I received a japanese ditto from an online trade.. and I'm saving my TBT for a shiny eevee.. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!! ;;
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