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  • Now I am truly afraid of your power!!!!
    This special Butt glowing attack with its shooting of neverending glowing peaches must be awesome to behold, and truly frightening and yet, strangely fascinating to watch!
    Thank you so much for giving me the best of the bunch!
    PS ... Is this hard on the underwear!? Just wondering! :rolleyes:
    How did you do that?! Awesome!!! Magical twinkling glowing peaches! I am a little afraid of your power! LOL
    OMG!! I am honoured to be in your presence, O Eminent Butt Fruit Glowing Magical Girl!!!!
    But who is the bearded singing Dude!? He looks strangely familiar! LOL
    I have it proudly displayed with my birthstones and letter collectibles ... when I look at it in my collectible display it seems to glow a little (hee hee) Did You gift me magical peach!? :eek:
    You are truly awesome! Thank you so much! I will indeed cherish my fuzzy little butt fruit peachy gift for ever and ever!!! Oh, and did I say THANKYOU!!?
    Heh Heh ... Yes, I love peaches and I guess I am looking for one, since I regret selling mine! :)
    Are you saying you have one foor sale? :D
    I did have a peach at one time, but I sold it, i think just before you did the Fantastically fun Peach giveaway (that one still ranks up there as the most fun and successful one I have ever seen or participated in! :D ... I love all the collectibles, altho I am not partial to the Eggs Lol
    I kida did too frantically, cuz I missed the first one, and right then I saw them stocked again, I thought I was imagining it. But good thing I tried anyway, and got a couple. :D
    Wha? lol, I had to check I thought something magic did happen! But then I realized you must have thought I said I grabbed 2 of them, which I didn't. lol I only grabbed 2 of each beach collectible. XD
    No prob! I know the feels... Just let me know when you're on your break. :)
    Also, in combination with the eggplant cow and cucumber horse, the veggie basket would make for an awesome vegetable-themed giveaway... hmm, I might jump on group 7. XD
    I actually have one already (but I want it to be a certain date, so it's still in my inventory). I was looking to buy the yellow house and chocolate cake, but you know what happened next haha
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