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  • I totally understand. We've been trying to trade for weeks now and it looks pretty impossible :S I'm glad you've got enough gold roses, I'd love to check out your dream town after you've finished :) I worked out that I'd probably only need like 30 in my town so I'll still sell some but it's definitely a big help to be able to use the ones I've got. Thanks very much, sorry for wasting your time! :S
    I want a blue one. And I'm excited for the return of faceplates, I'm gonna make my own again. Or maybe Tama-Go faceplates will fit?
    yes, you can come to my town! the drop method is fine. i'll have my gates open in just a sec
    uh how about tamagotchi since i haven't visited the tamagotchi community for like a year. i know the P's came out in Japan and then they released a lot of pierces for it and then Tamagotchi Friends came out in Europe and stuff. anything new besides that?
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