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  • Gonna visit another town first, but I'll check back later for your reply if Katie's still available. c:
    Hi there, if you still Have Katie I'd like to take her. ^^ Ready to open gates once you reply.
    Hi there, if you still need to sell your p. oranges you can come to my town, my native fruit is cherry. :)
    Hi! If you still have your saplings I'll buy them! double price for being rude yesterday, sorry, so 100TBT
    Hi, I know you sold your redeem code for tomodachi life, but I'm still confuse what's its use x_x is it the code you insert to have the FULL game, or to get like coins in the nintendo club (to get gifts etc.) ?
    I must say that your avatar and signature set is the cutest thing in the world >w<
    Hi there! I will send the letter, please send the TBT at your earliest convenience. :)
    Hi, I hope
    You'll forgive me . I feel like an ******* but I fell asleep! My fc is 4828-4603-9822. I'm confused to
    What's gonna happen? I'll open my gates and what? Are you bother coming? Either way, my gates are open and ready!
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