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  • Hi my lucky star :) I'm sorry for not responding. I'll PM you later, but basically all fine with me. Just need to check if I still had some stuff on your request. I think I do though. Will you be on tomorrow around this time or a little more earlier?
    Are you no longer interested in the princess series won from me for 1.9 mil?
    I saw miiverse villager pics you drew in a giveaway, and I have to say they are adorable and beautiful!! x3
    Gates are open. Normally I don't rush people, but since it's late I'd appreciate it if you could be as quick as possible. :S
    When you get to my town, head directly south from the station until you see the town hall (to your right), then go left all the way and you'll see retail. If you could just stick to that path, that would be greatly appreciated!
    It's 11PM here so no topic cause I have to go to bed very soon. Just add me and I'll open my gates. :)
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