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  • I'll add your FC. I'd prefer to deliver the mushrooms to your town if that's okay. You can pay me whenever you want.
    I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up after saying goodbye. You get attached so easily, but I'm willing to let my heart suffer for the sake of all of those sweet babs ;A;
    It's fun at first, but every 5 minutes or so you feel as though you're going to have a heart attack. They're so small and have such frail bones, yet their jumping off of furniture and climbing up to high places, and knocking stuff down. It really was great though, I adore cats, and loved every one of those little furballs. Sometimes I still get to see the adopted babies when they come back to us for shots, but many of them have gotten wonderful homes in the past couple of months :D
    Although I wasn't caring for a human child, I understand somewhat. I work for a cat rescue, and during kitten season we have to wrangle up all of these wild babies and care for them. We also have to socialize them for adoption. We foster them at home, and even with several foster parents, I was still caring for close to 20 kittens at a time. Thankfully I rarely get a bottle baby, but you still have to keep a close eye on them. They're super mischievous and could easily get hurt. They did have their designated feeding times though, and had to spend lots of time roaming free in order to make sure they would be suitable for adoption. It was really fun this year though!
    I can only imagine how busy things get with a child to care for, but it's really nice that you still have the time to play around on the internet or your DS and get a break in! Do you mind me asking how old your daughter is? I'm at that point where all I wanna do is have a baby, but I know I'm certainly not ready for a kid. They're just so cute though. ><
    Just a fair warning, I almost NEVER log out, so I may look like I'm online at times even though I'm not *_*
    Haha thanks, I'll add you back! You also seem very nice, from the times we have spoken to one another. It'd be a pleasure~
    ok! do you mind if you actually come to my town and do the retail method? it'd just be easier bc igb :0
    ah gosh thats alright! im sorry for not responding earlier! just let me know when you are online and well hope im online at the same time haha. i hope youre doing well!
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