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  • Haha! I love the Pokemon movie/Forrest Gump...
    My favorite movie is Spirited Away... As for recent movies.. I really liked Big Hero 6. :D
    I don';t mind learning more about other people.
    (Actually my LOTR loving friend goes to a different school, too C:)
    Well now I have a question... What's your favorite movie? :D (either in a series or of all time..)
    Super jealous! This somehow reminds me... My friend's favorite movie series is the Lord of the Rings, and I've never actually watched it... I think I'm going to have a marathon with her soon, too!
    I can agree with that...they're pretty cool! Some people disregard them 'cause they're "too nerdy," though... Personally I think I should rewatch them soon. :)
    Absolutely! It's...honestly I have no idea how he got access to all the professional stuff! It's really crazy. It seems like it's all he'll be doing for awhile, his non-starwars liking fans are out of luck haha!
    If you get the time to, I'd recommend it! It's very polished, and it seems like he got a huge budget for it. Like... wow, is it polished! haha C:
    I've been a fan of Game Grumps since Jon was on, and it;s still my favorite channel on Youtube. Have you watched Jon's StarCade stuff? His most recent content, yay~
    I used to LOVE chuggaaconroy, but recently I've been more into Game Grumps!
    I like PBG, Jontron and the whole NormalBoots group, too! <3 (Jontron would be my favorite if he uploaded more frequently... :( )
    Question about the HC challenge, am I allowed to buy one blue flower to be able to get the peacock butterfly?
    I asked her and she said she didnt have any, but that's ok cuz I've got plenty c:
    Cool :3 Do you guys have any ideas on challenges? I have a bunch but I'd love to hear yours!
    But can you send me back the thing I sent you so I can send it to Slammint?
    I can try but if not, I'll copy, paste, and send it to Slammint c:
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