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  • Friiiiiend;

    you should put up an avatar =)

    and oh! I just woke up from my nap / sleep again. lol. *pokepoke
    Oh no, I'm not holding him for anyone! He just happened to move into my town (across my path, too) and I would like to move him out to make room for more villagers! So, he is free at the moment. What would you like to offer for him? :blush:

    Also, your pm box is full. :D
    OH also, I'll only hold her for about half an hour (30min is longer than I usually hold, I'm doing this because I know you were sort of watching for her). :)
    Your inbox is full.

    You are very welcome. I'm glad I can help you out. Same to you also, if you need anything let me know and I can see what I can do.
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