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  • which is in like 4 hours but still the restocks were like 12 hours between each other so...smh
    haha, thanks! yeah i checked shop randomly in the middle of the night unaware anything was going on and got the last or second to last one.... pretty cool seeing them all
    i've been outside a LOT this winter. whether it was errands or just wanting to play pokemon go i've been freezing like ALL the time. my fingers still hurt from the coldness tbh... i gotta get some better gloves or i'll literally start to get il. :') i actually prefer to have cold drinks in the winter for some reason. it's soothing. the winter here is super dry so i gotta keep properly hydrated! and it's fantastic that you look after your products. macs aren't exactly easy to replace either....

    don't say that! if you believe it's gonna go downhill then it really will and that's no good for you. try to think positively! you're still a ways off from being a boring adult like myself. B) and heck, i've gotta look at the positive that i'm not even a proper adult yet so yay! worksheets are super boring though i agree, if i have the motivation i could write for daaays but it doesn't usually come to me. :( i was writing a story last year but kinda lost the energy to complete it.
    aha! i do not miss being 15 tbh, it's a very stressful time for most i feel :') but as long as you're enjoying what you're doing then that's good. law is a super good path to go down and trust me you will make good money out of that, haha. essays are not much thing at all... that's why twitter is perfect, you've got a character limit. ;D
    the daytime is the best during the summer, the hot nights not so much but if you wanna chill outside then it's absolutely perfect. cold winter nights spent outdoors are absolutely dreadful. :x i suppose they do make you appreciate the indoors a bit more though so that's a thing. just look after it and it'll last you AGES. i've had friends who have had theirs for almost a decade and they still work! i've had a few close calls with mine but i'm trying my best to keep it safe and well looked after. my charger is actually really torn up but somehow it still works like a gem. i really don't get it but hey, it's pretty sweet. and now i have an extra so if it breaks i'm basically set. whew.
    curious, how old are you? i'm wondering if you're studying anything that i would have learnt back then because thankfully in terms of classes i don't have much of my plate anymore. it's good to be able to focus on what i really need to get the job i want, which would be in social media. i dunno if i'll follow this path all my life but right now it seems very feasible as i've done a lot of social media work for some big websites! even doing this stuff in your own free time as a hobby is fantastic experience.
    no i totally feel ya, i used to love winter but i've grown so tired of it, especially because our house has terrible heating. ;_; now summer is ideal because i can chill outside at night and go on walks without having to be wearing 1000 items of clothing. it's THE BEST. ooh congrats on the mac! funnily enough one of my main gifts (because it's expensive af for some reason) was a charger for my mac since my old one is breaking. i've had my mac since 2014 and i love it. B) i also got some other random misc things but nothing too exciting tbh, that's what it's like growing up :') ugh
    summer birthdays are pretty frickin' sweet dude. there's plenty of time to do what you want and you can enjoy it in the warm weather. but at least during the holidays family should be around so that isn't so bad i guess! i hope you had a good birthday/christmas. did ya get anything you wanted? B)

    i mostly just did a ton of decorating and rushing around trying to sort things out with my fam. i've been dragged out SO MUCH recently... at least i got drunk on new years though that was fun. and hey, i've always wanted to learn french! i know it's fairly standard but it's super interesting and definitely well worth learning imo. i'm doing a course in social media and marketing. it's fairly boring :')
    duuude wooah. i don't think i'd much like that tbh the holiday season is already stressful ENOUGH. there's like one thousand different things to do and now that i'm technically an adult the stress is just paramount. no thank you. mine is in the middle of may which i'm completely satisfied with tbh, nothing else happens in may. :') i suppose my holiday season wasn't too awful but ya it was pretty dang tiring and now i just wanna curl up into a ball and not be seen for a while.

    what are you studying if you don't mind me asking? 8)
    ya I feel ya. I was out this morning in the freezing cold to catch pokemon and I'm sniffling like crazy now... at least I'm in the warmth finally. how did the holiday season treat you? hopefully better than this cold? :D
    oh my goodness... i didn't even realise. don't ruin oranges for me pls.

    how are you doing today? :D
    np, ill try and keep him in boxes for you. let me know when u have space
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