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  • I thought I responded I apologize

    my current phone is **** too but I manage

    I see, so people are less intimidated by you, then? I have glasses bc I have like, awful vision, my eye goop is all cloudy up in here yk
    you are fabulous supposed 12 year old.
    We can be 12 year old buddies as long as you agree to the code of conduct of my secret organisation of princess unicorn ninjas and the super unsecret mission:
    assassinating Jun.
    can i join?
    hmm, I sort of just use comic apps on my phone haha;;

    it really is!! its my favorite live action movie as well as my fav comic book

    I just have an easier time focusing on animated things rather than liveaction things, or really anything thats drawn. my focus has gotten a lot worse lately, I used to be able to read normal novels

    I have big ol nerd glasses but I think theyre still in prescription or close enough to what my eyes need
    I just read the comics online hahah;; ive actually never seen a comic book store here either

    my favorite comic isnt a superhero comic tho, my fav comic series is scott pilgrim.

    I just dont have enough focus for movies and get really bored, & I dont have enough focus for normal novels, either. I can only keep my focus on manga and comics bc i like being able to inspect the art for as long as I want

    idek why I have such bad focus tho. I honestly, while trying to read or watch a movie, usually zone out and move my gaze to some other random object and just think about **** for a while

    so tl;dr bad focus so I stick to comics;; I can only keep my focus on animated movies generally with few exceptions
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