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  • Lol o.o xD I sometimes do that also >.>'

    Also, curious, what'cha think of my new avatarr :D I love it to pieces.
    Darn you xD Going offline as soon as I was going to reply to that PM. I'm not saying it here where anyone can see it lolol
    um, chrissy was bought out because that night she was tt'd into boxes. :[ i posted that on the thread but you must have not have go it?
    MayorAvalon has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

    Haha! Saw your last message. I can wait till her moving date. :D Take your time!
    Nana is moving. Gonna be voided in about 45 minutes. Just wanted to tell you that
    Exactly! :O Most people could be classed as one of the in game personalities though, but most of the time I think everyone is a combination of several xD
    I just did some lame quiz on what AC personality type are you and I'm normal apparently :p I think it depends on how I'm feeling, but today I think I'm a lazy type... which is my favourite x3
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