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  • She's all ready. She told me she just couldn't tell me she was moving and there was never a right moment lol. XD Guess she really wants to leave. :p

    Added your code and opening gate. :)
    It's no problem. XD I have two towns, one that I use purely for cycling so...just seems natural to help people out and get some villagers some homes. :3 Thanks for taking her. Also thank you so much for the pie! I didn't know I missed it till a few days ago and I was so bummed because I'm addicted to food themed items lol. XD

    I use ACC mainly. I just joined bell tree not too long ago...I've seen a couple Fauna auctions recently on ACC but as far as giving away I haven't. Although there are cycling threads that give free villagers on ACC too.
    Oyasumi -

    According to Rolf she is moving. She just doesn't want to tell me herself lol.
    So I'm going to TT day by day till she's in boxes so give me a few minutes.
    Okay, thank you so much! ^^ :) I'll work on TTing her just to get a date and then you can just let me know when you have a space?
    HAHAHahAH omf! Conflict in your town fer' sure, I fear for Deirdre xD thaat's too funny

    Yeah some of their designs are nice but the things they can say can be so annoying like I find them ruder than the snooty's???

    o god, maybe i should just give in to the voice..
    Ohhh was it Lassy?? Aw she was gonna reserve Lopez for me but then I ended up getting him from someone else n_n

    Yeah Lopez's a flirty smug, Deidre better watch out omg. In my town I totally ship Erik and Deirdre but more as a friendship because their houses are together aww

    Oh noo, I hate the peppy personality too! I just don't know whether I should get one... maybe I should look at some jocks I don't know :/ I don't really want to repeat any more of the personalities I already have.

    Let's face it, I'm gonna end up with Fauna aren't I xD
    and omg, guurl you're better off without Peanut~~
    You're reeling in the deer now, my little protege!!

    Ohhhh wow, in that case that's a miracle that you got Fauna! I'd love to come visit her and Zell when you're all set up, I've never seen Fauna in-game o: Maybe it'll make me want to get her after all haha xD I was thinking of getting Rosie because I don't have any peppy's but I'm still undecided on who my 10th villager to be...

    Yeah I had Peanut a few times in Wild World so she's kind of boring to me and I just think there's better villagers above her :3
    Aww bby I feel your pain, that's so terrible :' (((

    Hhahaah classic Zell, is the path rectifiable at all?
    Oh I think I saw that auction but I didn't have a look into it, that's so great you won it ohmygosh! This is why I like TBT, there's always really nice people on here who will go out their way to help people n_n

    Only for a pumpkin pie?? Holyyyy that's so good hahaha! To be fair they are unorderable but still that is such a good trade! Lucky >>

    And thank god Lopez moved into the right place *cough* I'm lookin at u Zell... It's so cute we both have Lopez now, clearly we both have great tastes in villagers xD

    Ahh guuurl, if you ever need any money I can help!! You need not live a poor life in AC haha xD And omg Peanut, she's growing in popularity isn't she? I don't like her either, I think her design is kinda boring xD
    OH NO oh my god!! Was one of your favourites? I'm sorry to hear : (((

    Ahhh Lopez! I love him, he's grown on me so much already that I don't feel too upset about Zell anymore haha, plus I forget that Zell's in your town so I'm happy about that!
    Oh gosh Fauna, she is so cute and I would definitely have her but then I'd have three normals xD and she'd be my 6th deer...

    Everything's going quite good at the moment, my town is very near completion which means I can start to actually enjoy doing the ~normal~ things in AC like fishing and bug catching and whatnot n_n How about you?
    It's alright xD At least you looked.
    Ima go log off TBT for now, gonna look at Bon's thread through my phone xD
    (I wont be logged in :p )
    I'll talk to you another time, but if you could still look for Muffy I would be very grateful :D <3
    Okay, the dokugumo thread you were talking about, Muffy was adopted a few days ago x.x I just asked, also, that trade with Olivia is going to go through I think. (I hope) :D
    She isn't moving yet. I'm trading Diana later today. So if you just let me know when you have space. I'll work on getting her out then. :) Also if you have a extra pumpkin pie, I'd really love you forever...I have some hybrids if you're looking for any that I could trade you for it?
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