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  • That sounds lovely!
    My house is a hotel, you can come and visit for a bit if you want? Im just doing a bit of landscaping right now so mind the mess haha. ^^ It's only the spa left in my house anyway.
    My FC: 5257-9744-1401
    Unless you have perfect pears I'm fine in the fruit front!!
    But thank you for the offer<3
    Hi, I replied on my thread that I would pay 60k or so for the bathrobe! I don't know if you saw but is that okay? I tried to PM you but your inbox is full ^^
    Ok, thanks (posting this here cause your PM inbox is full) :3
    Gonna stick with my town at the moment ^_^
    Just wondering, have you got any real art pieces from Redd I could have in exchange for a hybrid flower? :eek:
    Trying to unlock Brewsters' pwp xD
    Oh and yes you may of done. My town reset yesterday? So i'm trying to get everything back, sorry about wasting your hula doll D:
    Hey, your inbox is full, but, you won my giveaway :D Congrats! PM me to arrange delivery of your prize.
    Not sure when I can come and pick the clothing items up, I am rather busy at the minute.
    I would drop you a PM when I can but your Pm storage is full, so when I have free time i'll drop you a visitor message.
    Thanks :)
    I tried to send this via private message, but it said your box was full? Just need your fc.
    I just said good-bye to O'Hare and it made me want to cry! You'll love him.
    Anyhow, my fc is 0619-3857-9039. I will open my gate and take you to his house. When you're done talking to him, I can end the session so you don't have to walk back to the train station. Thanks!
    I still have O'hare. I'd prefer not to time travel him out, but I'm working on getting a new villager that might require me to. What hours are you usually online? Do you happen to use ACC too? I'm over there more often than btf.
    O'Hare is moving from my town soon and I'd love to unite him with someone who will take good care of him. I am getting ready for work, but we can make arrangements later if you're interested.
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