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  • They will be called the irobots XD
    Yeah but u cant misplace ur homework everytime though lol
    When ur 186 there will be the iphone 234+-s
    I don't care about homework but i have to do it :c
    Ur kinda lucky
    Aww, one day you will! <3333 (tehe when ur like 50)
    I cant, if i miss a piece i get an after school detention
    Aww aha, i have had to wait for it for like 1 year MAN
    one time i was just about to go to bed and i was like OMG I HAVE MATHS HOMEWORK AHHHHHHHHHH
    it took me an hour ;-;
    Aww :(
    Arghhh, going to school when you are ill is horrible!!
    I'm great ty! I'm so excited ahhhh im getting a new phone next week :D
    Oh no! I hope you get better soon?
    What do you have? :c
    So, I'm guessing you didn't go to school today?
    tru! i have a good one. why did the baby cross the road?

    it was stapled to the chicken.
    yeah no worries! but u know what i'm also a whore for? dark humor. like, why can't michael jackson play chess?

    because he's dead.
    i hope you learned ur lesson bc next time u make a bad pun you'll end up like gigi head-id
    well tbh i can't do any better than that so.. dont be flattered tho it was still bad
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